Help Yourself. No seriously.

Help Yourself. No seriously.

Most of us have heard the following dozens, if not hundreds of times:  “Place the mask firmly over your nose and mouth, secure the elastic band behind your head, and breathe normally. If you are traveling with a child or someone who requires assistance, secure...
Back to basics

Back to basics

This is the two week mark of this new year, and I wanted to review briefly some of the things I’ve been able to do. 1. I’ve prayed as soon as I woke up every morning. 2. I’ve worked out for at least a half an hour every day. 3. I’ve created...
Time is Running Out

Time is Running Out

What if you were told that you only had 1 year to live? How would that change the way you go through each day?  What relationships would you mend?  What things would you do?  How would you want everyone you meet to remember you?  What would you strive to accomplish,...
Never enter a pool by the stairs

Never enter a pool by the stairs

A few days ago I posted a list of 10 rules for life.  Many of them merit a whole article for thought, bu this one stood out to me in a particular way.  “Never enter a pool by the stairs.”  It caught my attention not only for its literal meaning, but also...
The Freedom of Vulnerability

The Freedom of Vulnerability

Me: “Hey, how’s it going?” Person: “Good, good; how ’bout yourself?” Me: “Good; can’t complain.” How many times have I had this conversation?  Maybe TOO MANY times?  Why is my default to put on this face of...