The Pace of Nature

The Pace of Nature

For years I’ve been trying to learn the Maple Leaf Rag, by Scott Joplin. It is such a fun, bouncing, energetic tune. Yet every time I sit down to try to learn it, I’m quickly discouraged by the irregular rag-time rhythm patterns, and I give up. “Adopt the pace of...


“Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain, no matter the physical age, to change throughout our entire lifetimes. We aren’t hardwired. Stop excusing bad attitudes, habits, and behaviors by saying, ‘I’m just wired that way.’ You are...
The Hard Days

The Hard Days

There are days when motivation is high, and things seem easy. I feel ready to take on the world. Then there are days, like today, when it all seemed dry, empty, pointless, and futile. Well “buckle up, buttercup;” THESE are the GLORY days! These are the...
A house in order

A house in order

Jordan Peterson once said: “Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world.” I think he’s absolutely right, and I don’t think he’s talking only about a physical structure. To me it hearkens back to the words of Our Lord: “Let he among you who is...
The Pledge

The Pledge

This year I pledge to do my utmost to form myself into a man every day. Exercise, kindness, discipline, prayer, music, balance. To reforge my roots as a basis for my future, to be the best husband, father, brother, friend, and colleague possible. To stand for what is...