Exodus 90 starts tomorrow

Exodus 90 starts tomorrow

Tomorrow morning I’m embarking on a journey, with several of my friends and relatives, called Exodus90.  It’s a 90 day period, ending on Holy Saturday, of prayer, asceticism, and community.  Thousands of men across the world are doing the same. While it is...
Something Wild

Something Wild

Wildness is not something that is seen as positive, in our society. But I think wildness rises in the core of every man, at some basic level.  Not wildness in the sense of crazy or devoid of direction.  Intentional wildness. Striving, conquering, exploring,...


Pax tranquilitas ordinis. – St. Augustine “Peace is the tranquility of order.”  These wise words of St. Augustine sum up a central theme of Christian life. Peace is the reward of a well-ordered life; understanding our relationship to God, our...
Dangerous Harmlessness

Dangerous Harmlessness

“A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very dangerous man who has that under voluntary control.” -Jordan Peterson If I’m not strong enough to do what needs to be done to protect and provide for my family, then I’m not a good man.  Physically,...
Game Plan

Game Plan

There are three parts to personal growth. Body, mind, and soul. In order to accomplish anything in any of these areas, it will take a specific plan. So for each one, I’m going to need to set a goal, and a first step to move in that direction, and then do them....